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  • Tags: National Peace Council

National Peace Council Meeting Flyer

A357! Folder 152 Item 177.jpg
Flyer advertising a National Peace Council meeting at the Early Settlers' Hall, Oamaru, 11 July 1912.

The board of the Christchurch Technical College, 1917.

John Howell_Board of Governors.jpg
The board of the Christchurch Technical College, 1917 - it included well-known anti-militarists Ada Wells and Henry Worrall.

John Howell

John Howell_1.jpg
A profile photograph of John Howell, first director of the Christchurch Technical College.

Sarah Saunders Page and Samuel Page

A photograph of Sarah Saunders Page and her husband Samuel Page. Page Family photo.

William and Sarah Annie Ensom

1980.175.25469 Ann and William Ensom.jpg
A photograph of William and Sarah Annie Ensom, long-term supporters of the National Peace Council.

'Workers Awake' card

A357 Folder 196 Workers, Awake (Custom).tif
'Workers Awake'. This card was produced by the National Peace Council, presumably for distribution to work-sites around the city. It quotes Ramsay McDonald, one of the founders of the British Labour Party, who during the First World War was a Labour…

'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World'

A357 Folder 195 Rocks the Cradle (Custom).tif
'The Hand that Rocks the Cradle Rules the World', a pamphlet produced by the National Peace Council and the Anti-Militarist League in August 1913.

The Case against Compulsory Military Training', by C. Reginald Ford

A photograph of the cover of 'The Case against Compulsory Military Training', by C. Reginald Ford, published by the Maoriland Worker and National Peace Council in 1912