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The Modern Saviour Postcard
Postcard cartoon depicting a soldier, representing the influence of jingoism and militarism, leading a group of children. The cartoon is captioned with a quote from Matthew 19:14: "Suffer the Little Children to come unto Me!" The postcard is…
Tags: Passive Resisters Union
The Great White Elephant
The Great White Elephant cartoon, from Morgan Williams' pamphlet, "The Great White Elephant".
The Case against Compulsory Military Training', by C. Reginald Ford
A photograph of the cover of 'The Case against Compulsory Military Training', by C. Reginald Ford, published by the Maoriland Worker and National Peace Council in 1912
The board of the Christchurch Technical College, 1917.
The board of the Christchurch Technical College, 1917 - it included well-known anti-militarists Ada Wells and Henry Worrall.
The Anti-Militarist journal Vol. 1 No. 1 01 September 1911
Cover page, first issue of The Anti-Militarist
The 'Socialist Ten Commandments'
Lincoln Efford's 'Socialist Ten Commandments' card, from the Socialist Sunday School, 1920s.
Ted Howard's 'The Vag' column header, from the Maoriland Worker newspaper
Ted Howard's 'The Vag' column header, from the Maoriland Worker newspaper
Sketch of Robin Page
A sketch of Robin Page done by fellow conscientious objector, Duncan McCormack.